Royal Romance Bless Me

Feb 17, 2013

Herzgesund mit 7 Jahren
Results in Baby/ Puppy:

4 Best Baby in Breed, 2 Best Baby in Show, 2 Best Puppy in Show
11 Class wins in Baby/ Puppy

Best Puppy German Winner Show 2013
Best Puppy in Show Cavalier Specialty Show Prague 2013

Puppy of the Year 2013

Results in Junior Class:

1 JCAC Netherlands
5 JCACS Germany

Youth Winner Sachsen-Anhalt 2013
Youth Winner Thüringen 2014
Youth Winner Sachsen 2014

3x Best Bitch from Junior

German Junior Champion

Results in Adult Classes:


Clubwinner parent Toy Dog Club Germany 2014


Sometimes dreams come true - thank you Gipsy & Löwi!

I am very proud to see this doll growing. Trudie Trudes is from Gipsy's first litter with a line breed on two healthy lines - the great Timsar Miss Teeq & on Lanola Santana of Maibee.

Trudie recieved incredible results from the tender age of 3.5 months. She always was love for the first sight of plenty well known breed specialists all over Europe.
Our special thanks goes to all the judges who have appreciated her qualities through and through at this young age! We can not expect more than this! She is as sweet as sugar and full of character - what a true little Toy Spaniel.
8 months
7 months
Trudie and her brother Baxxter

Royal Romance Baxxter Best Puppy in Show Club Show CZ, Prague under Stephen Goodwin
Royal Romance Bless Me Best Puppy in Show & Baxxter Best Puppy Dog at the Specialty Show CZ, Prague under Caroline Gibson.